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ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 9:25 am 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Mielenkiintoinen dokumentti (tai en tiedä onko muiden kuin mun mielestä :-) ) http://www.girevik-online.ru/ -sivustolta. Valmis suunnitelma nuorten Girevoy Sport -harjoittelusta.

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SAMPLE PROGRAM OF SPORTS TRAINING FOR CHILDREN sport schools, of specialized youth schools of Olympic reserve



Moscow 2009

1.1. Initial training (NR) 6
1.2. Educational-training stage (UT) 7
1.3. Stage improving sports skills (SSM) 8
2.1. Organizational and methodical planning framework 21
2.2. CONTACT preparatory stage sensitive period 23
2.5.1. General Principles of Physical Education 49
2.5.2. Principles of teaching and training 50
2.5.3. Specific principles of sports training 54
2.6.1. The main factors that determine the technique of movements in the weight-lifting 60
2.6.2 Movement, performed by lifting weights 62
2.6.3. Influence of the anatomical structure of the human body on the technique of raising weights 64
2.6.4. Influence of the physiological functions of human organism on equipment lifting weights 65
2.7.1. Means workout 68
2.7.2. Training methods 73
2.7.3. System classes in weight-lifting 80
2.9. Remediation and injury prevention 83
2.10. Theoretical training 86
2.11. Pedagogical control 93
2.13. Instructor and the Judicial PRACTICE 96
2.14. Psychological training and educational work, 97

ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 9:39 am 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Otetaan malliksi tähän tuo metodikohta, koska se kuitenkin kiinnostaa kaikkia eniten. :)

2.7.2. Training methods
In the training process methods for performing the exercises was chosen apply at depending on the tasks undertaken by an athlete in a given period of athletic training. Selecting a particular method depends on the Planned pertaining to an aggregate amount and intensity of physical activity, the ability of the athlete's adaptation to physical stress. In weight-lifting is used five main methods of training: a uniform, variable, interval, repeat and competition.
Uniform method involves performing a special - a preparatory exercise and competitive at the same pace during the pro-Prolonged time. This exercise is performed at the lesson once in a single approach. The main objective of this method - improving aerobic capacity of an athlete. The method is applied mainly in the eta-n, general physical preparation.
Depending on the weight of the weights trained athletes, and pro-rate the duration of the implementation of the exercise will be different. For example, executing the push exercises with weights of 24 kg for 10 minutes at the rate of 10 ascents per minute can be seen as slow to master the dispute-ta, but for beginners, preparing to implement the norms of the first level, it is inaccessible.
There are some laws that allow to choose optimally rate rises. For novice weightlifter - is execution yn razhneniya within their own aerobic capacity. Rate and duration of performance of the exercise should be accessible to weightlifter. Improving aerobic capacity of the organism in the training process, allows one to continue to maintain a higher tempo.
The most common among athletes a way to determine the rate of performance of the exercise - measuring heart rate (HR). On the basis of maximum heart rate determined during physical-tion load limit of intensity, it is recommended to calculate the value-tion, equal to 75%. This value is considered to be the upper limit of the aerobic zone. However, the need to establish a rhythmic breathing in accordance with the selected rate. Irregular breathing, straining Towards improved dramatically decreases the intensity of exercise, which is reflected in a sharp in elevated heart rate.
The lack of a uniform method is that when EXECUTION SRI exercises in relatively low rates, with weights of small weight (low intensity) are not sufficiently developed muscle power weightlifter, power-speed, special endurance necessary for successful performance in the competitions.
Variable method. Exercises according to the method for rule out that running multiple approaches with weights. In the first half of approaches weight weight increases, while in the second half - is reduced. For example, the approaches are carried out with weights: 12 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg, 16kg, 12 kg. Builds up a kind of "pyramid". The intensity of the load at first increases and then decreases at a constant rate of performance uprazh-tion. Temp exercises kept constant to ensure that the rhythm of alternating processes of tension and muscle relaxation was stable regardless of the weight of weights. Exercises performed with dumbbells of different weights (from light-weight, weights up to weight, more competitive) increase the stability technology, increase the efficiency of movement by Streamlining engineering exercise.
Variable Method exercises can apply Athlete subject to a high level of physical preparedness. No dos-cutting duties of force readiness, high-level general and power you noslivosti-athlete, this method is contraindicated.
A common mistake is that the weightlifter, and came to the very heavy weight in the "pyramid" slow down the pace, trying to save si-ly and to establish the respiratory rhythm, which smacks of the high load-ing. Very often it is the result of unsustainable technology in under-standing the heavy weights. It should be noted that it was unacceptable change of the-ship lifting weights during the transition from light to heavier weights. Cheresov-chur intense and technically imperfect lift heavy weights leads to the formation of oxygen debt. Training in lifting weights varying method allows to determine the power and speed-strength capabilities involved. In the process of training is chosen such a rate of exercise, which allows you to reach the top of the "pyramid" without fatigue. Next, stepwise reducing the weight of the weights, Athlete is continuously returned to the usual for yourself at this stage of technical preparedness of the rhythm-tion movements.
Many newcomers to the starting position before pushing weights up, straining the muscles of the neck and shoulders, which leads to an additional race-course of energy and prevents the installation of the elbows on the iliac crest, and also makes it difficult to breath. When lifting light weights athletes-They provide a benefit without paying any attention to it, but the transition to a more severe giryam you, they need to search for a more rational technique.
The first lesson is necessary to exclude best efforts in lifting weights. Between the approaches planned intervals of rest, a sufficient body to recover before executing the next sub-turn. Application of variable method for each session can be a reason for an athlete receiving various injuries. Therefore, weekly TPE-nirovochny volume should be reduced slightly. Because along with higher-tion-level power-speed, should be given time and to improve endurance.
Interval method is the most common among the hyper-Revik high class. Interval methods increased tempo possible an athlete. Doing exercises interval method is that the exercise is performed at a high rate serially duration 1-2 minutes. The intervals between series Th-reduetsya strictly regulated intervals of rest. For example: 5 ce-tory and 15 ascents per minute weights of 24 kg alternated with minute intervals of rest. (15 +15 +15 +15 +15) / 24 kg. During training for the-making such approaches may be several. Between the approaches should remain a OS-as long as is necessary in order to to show solidarity with the most efficient rate rises in each of them. Length interval rest athlete should determine the basis of their opportunities of. Interval method allows the shortest possible time to raise ad hoc endurance weightlifter, improve rhythm-tempo char-acteristics of motor action in weight-lifting exercise is in preparation for a competition.
The competitions in weightlifting sport - is primarily a test of strength endurance (YA Romashin, RA Khairullin, AP Gorshenin, 1998; AI Vorotyntsev, 2002, etc.). Research changes in heart rate with reductions in a competitive process "prikidok" many high-class athletes show that, after three or four minutes of completing the exercise, the level of heart rate exceeds 180 beats / min.
In the course of improving high-speed capabilities Athlete in-tervalnym method, first of all, improved musculoskeletal system, improving coordination of movements, rhythm improves respiration. In addition, increased levels of maximum oxygen consumption, yes, in which the weightlifter can perform motor actions in an aerobic mode. Besides the fact that interval training improves the speed of quality, its very important function in preparing the weightlifter is the upgrading technique exercises carried out at a higher pace.
Interval method has several advantages. Here athlete knows exactly the time and number of rides for one minute intervals from-respiration. And with uniform and variable methods all governed by self-feeling. When interval method objectively assesses the current level of skill. Noting in his diary training results for each adoption, you can represent the dynamics of increasing power-speed and special endurance. Psychologically, this training is perceived-sion and it is easy for a fleeting time.
The literature on methods of training, you can find the set of options for interval workouts method [4].
With interval training methods used by most aerobic and anaerobic capacity an athlete.
Repeat method. In preparation for a competition, along with a lot of time interval by the re-allocated method. This method involves re-execution approaches with increased intensity and rest intervals between sets, defined by self-mochuvstviem athlete. In the second method, the value of physical load-ing on the organism weightlifter based on overall volume and intensity of the load. For example, you jerk exercise at a pace that is able to withstand weightlifter for 3-5 minutes. Then, Athlete, refreshed, on-being, in contrast to the interval method to full recovery, once again repeats the exercise at the same rate.
The most common mistake novice weightlifter consists in the fact that at the start of training in the anaerobic mode, it is too early to start doing exercises in a high tempo. One of the main objectives weightlifter at the initial stage - increasing speed-strength abilities, without interfering with the overall physical endurance and of the motor-ship action. One way to avoid surge at the beginning of re-training method - to perform high-rises in temperature without counting the number of expansions and run-time exercise. This will save athlete from the desire to immediately show the maximum result.
In order to mitigate the effects of a sharp transition to an anaerobic workout, you need to start doing the exercises again with the intensity of less than the maximum. Activities should be to complete the reconstruction.
When repeated approaches weightlifter must remember that its main task - to be able to maintain a rational, cost-effective technique of completing the exercise. Weightlifter should pay attention to the fact that in the original position before pushing weights and during fixation as a jolt, and the dash legs were relaxed, breathing is not delayed. If the last rise of an athlete appears schenie-sensation of muscle stiffness, which means that he has not fulfilled the basic backside-chu re method, which is to develop effective performance of the exercise equipment at high rates.
In the intervals of rest between sets weightlifter recommended to you complemented by general developmental low-intensity exercise. Full stop after completing the exercise often causes a feeling of viscosity weightlifter muscles, and he struggled to start the following approach.
In the second method of training, each interval of rest (the duration of his pro-) not only expresses the readiness of the organism to carry out further work, but also characterizes the reaction of the organism to previ-JOINT (total) amount of work. This allows you to change the length of the holiday to determine the state of an athlete and judge the impact that has had a physical load on the body weightlifter.
Since the second method does not use pre-planned intervals of rest, he is an excellent way to improve the technology movements. Weightlifter, in intervals of rest can hear the comments of the coach, and then learn the best ways of execution of motor actions in competitive drills.
Competitive method. Considering the traditional methods of ana-erobnoy training, mentioned above, that for most novice weightlifter application of variable and interval method of training is a kind of grueling labor. However, training in exercises in the high pace and with different weight dumbbells useful. It gives the athlete an idea of the maximum rate, as well as to determine the degree of adaptation of the cardiovascular and respiratory-tion systems to the physical stress caused by the increase in the intensity of exercises.
Many weightlifter every two to three weeks performing "estimations". Athlete to determine its maximum at the moment re-sults appear in the intermediate competition, or to perform training exercises with weights of competitive weights (or the easier-tion weights) for 5, 6, 10 and even 30 minutes. Regular, The appropriate period of preparation, "estimations" may have to raise the level of preparedness weightlifter sometimes more influential than ezhenedel-WIDE interval training.
The advantage of the competition as a method of training is that they not only help to improve the physical qualities, but also raising a ations exclude mental qualities in the real rivalry.
Participation in competitions, as well as competitive "estimations" to allow to carry out the necessary volume of work with such intensity, co-Thoraya enhances speed-strength ability and power of endurance to the required level.
As noted above, there are many different versions of the training athletes weightlifter. It would be unwise to recommend any one method or another training schedule. Athletes and coaches are currently experimental means determine which version of the training exercises are most meets their goals and objectives (AI Vorotyntsev, 2002). Also, without careful study and analysis of the conditions and reasons for use of a method, it is inappropriate to adopt the methods of training of outstanding world-class weightlifter, copier-vat and train according to their plans for training. Such attempts may lead to injury.
For most novice weightlifter most acceptable IU-todami training are uniform and variable methods of coach-ing, as well as participation in competitions. If the interval and re-ing methods used in the classroom, acting on the athlete's benefit, in this case, these methods should be applied and further training.

Mitäköhän tarkoittaa tuo "Uniform method"? Osaako joku kääntää tästä:

Равномерный метод предполагает выполнение специально – подгото-вительных и соревновательных упражнений в одном темпе в течение про-должительного времени. При этом на занятии упражнение выполняется один раз в одном подходе. Основная цель этого метода – повышение аэробных возможностей организма спортсмена. Метод применяется в основном на эта-пе общей физической подготовки.

ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 12:46 pm 

Liittynyt: La Heinä 05, 2008 12:02 pm
Viestit: 1385
Paikkakunta: Helsinki
On tuo ainakin mulle mielenkiintoiselta vaikuttava dokumentti, suurin osa siitä GS:n vuoksi ja loput muuten vaan, otsikoiden perusteella varmaan antaa näkemystä mm. venäläiseen (tai venäjänkieliseen?) urheiluajatteluun yleisemmin. Ja luulis olevan nk. neo-GS-maiden harrastajille erityisen sopiva teksti, koska eikös me aikuiset ja vaarit täällä olla lajissa parhaillaan öpaut venäläisten junioreiden tulostasolla.

ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 2:22 pm 
Mobilisaation Mestari ja IMALS

Liittynyt: Ti Joulu 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Viestit: 4445
Ginkon materiaalista.
uniform method of training is characterised by that the kettlebell lifter long time(not less than 30min)
carries out exersice,aspiring to keep constant rate and rhytm,size of efforts and ampliyude of movements :!:
vapaasti suomenettuna: metodi ratkaisee ongelmat lisätä liikkeiden taloudellisuutta,primääristi kehittää aerobista kapasiteettiä ja osittain anaerobista kapasiteettiä.
Normaali HR metodissa on 140-180.
Nää löytyy kaikki siitä Ginkon 2 kirjasta educational programm of 2nd level :idea:
Tuohan on sama kuin Rachinskiy puhui kuulalenkistä :idea:

"Lifting to much weight, no speed, useless prick!"

ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 3:52 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Tänks jake, sieltähän se tieto löytyy! :)

ViestiLähetetty: Pe Tammi 08, 2010 6:38 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Täytyy myöntää, että Googlen työkalut alkaa olla aika käteviä. Tässä kappale 1:


ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 1:36 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Kappaleet 2.1 - 2.3:


ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 1:42 pm 
Ei vain toiminnallista vaan ultratoiminnallista

Liittynyt: La Maalis 07, 2009 1:30 pm
Viestit: 1148
Paikkakunta: Lieto
Jani kirjoitti:

Löytyykö jostain vielä suomennos?? [smilie=14.gif]

Menestys tulee ennen työtä vain sanakirjassa.

"Rautaa on vihattava, se on lannistettava, se on nostettava!!" -Kaarlo Kangasniemi

ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 2:02 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Karhu kirjoitti:
Jani kirjoitti:

Löytyykö jostain vielä suomennos?? [smilie=14.gif]

Mä yritin tuota suomeksikin, mutta tuon käännöskoneen käännös oli vielä törkeämpää luettavaa kuin tuo englanninkielinen.. Teen jonkinlaisen yhteenvedon suomeksi sitten kun saan tuon itsekin kunnolla luettua.

ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 8:35 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Tässä kappaleet 2.5 -2.6:


Kappaleessa 2.4 on paljon taulukoita, jotka kaatavat systeemin tällä hetkellä, palaan siihen myöhemmin.

ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 8:43 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
2.7. - 2.9:


ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 8:49 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 10:17 am
Viestit: 1785
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
2.10 -loput:


ViestiLähetetty: La Tammi 09, 2010 11:24 pm 
Mobilisaation Mestari ja IMALS

Liittynyt: Ti Joulu 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Viestit: 4445
Loistava juttu :!: Teksti lähes samaa kuin Ginkon materiaalissa :shock:
Jos lukee harjoittelu syklit ja metodit,niin EI VOI sanoa että treeni olisi YKSITOIKKOISTA :shock: :twisted: Hyvä logiikka ,miten edetään ja miksi tehdään niin kuin tehdään :idea: Samoin kuin se miten pidetään osa-alueita yllä kilpakaudella :idea: Hyvä juttu Jani.

"Lifting to much weight, no speed, useless prick!"

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Aloita uusi ketju Vastaa viestiin  [ 13 viestiä ] 

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