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Kirjoittaja Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 16, 2012 11:23 am 
Villalangan mitalla

Liittynyt: To Huhti 16, 2009 3:07 pm
Viestit: 654
Nyt on todella harvinaislaatuinen mahdollisuus päästä niin kovan herran oppeihin! CompactFit tuo Suomeen kesäkuun 2.-3. päivä Ido Portalin, joka on täysin omaa luokkaansa kaikessa kehonpainolla liittyvässä harjoittelussa

Kyseinen Strength & Condiotioning - seminaari on todella kattava paketti, joista varmasti hyötyvät yhtä lailla Girevikit, kuin muut tosissaan harjoittelevat! Mies on (käsillä)kävelevä tietopankki!

Seminaarin sisällöstä tarkemmin enklanniksi:

The Ido Portal Method - Bodyweight Strength - Upper Body Level 1 Cert

Duration: 2 full days, 10:00AM-18:00PM (Including lunch break)

Beginner Level Bent Arm Strength (BAS) development:
1. The proper Chin Up progression for quick results and how you should approach programming for novices for quick and
efficient results in BAS- pulling. Review of limiting factors such as Lat Activation, Stabilization of Scapula, proper ROM,
efficient programs for beginner to intermediate level practitioners. Why you shouldn't use elastic bands for dynamic strength
development, the correct positioning of the scapula for efficient pulling and more
2. The proper Push Up progression - from beginner level push ups into intermediate/advanced drills such as Reverse Grip Push
Ups, Pseudo Planche Push Ups and into Planche Push Ups. Correct technique that will lead to long term gains, proper rep&set
schemes and scapula positioning
3. The proper Dip progression - developing the basic Full ROM Parallel Bar Dip, Upper Arm Dip, Single Bar Dip, Rings Dip and their
variations. Technique, ROM, alignment, programming issues for the Dip, common weak links and how to attack them, rep&set
schemes for optimal progress
4. The proper Ring Muscle Up progression - learning the False Grip and chalking procedure, Muscle Up Transitions, incorporating
the False Grip Chin Ups, Rings Dip and Muscle Up Transitions into the full Ring Muscle Up, 3 different spotting methods (beginner,
intermediate and advanced spotting) for quick progress, Technique, ROM, alignment, programming issues for the MUP, common
weak links and how to attack them, rep&set schemes for optimal progress

Beginner Level Straight Arm Scapular Strength (SASS) development
1. Scapula Stabilization - the most important important issue in upper body strength development - a lecture
2. The Basic Multi Direction Support/Hang Positions (MDSHP) - CoM displaced variations for intermediate level SASS development,
Technique, ROM, alignment, programming issues for the MDSHP, common weak links and how to attack them, rep&set schemes
for optimal progress
3. The proper Planche progression - Technique, positioning & alignment, programming issues for the Planche, common weak links
and how to attack them, rep&set schemes for optimal progress
4. The proper Front Lever progression - Technique, positioning & alignment, programming issues for the F-Lever, common weak links
and how to attack them, rep&set schemes for optimal progress
5. The proper Back Lever progression - Technique, positioning & alignment, programming issues for the B-Lever, common weak links
and how to attack them, rep&set schemes for optimal progress
6. The proper L-Sit, Straddle-L-Sit and other L-Sit variations progression - Technique, positioning & alignment, programming issues for
the B-Lever, common weak links and how to attack them, rep&set schemes for optimal progress

Pre/rehab, Joint Prep and mobility
1. Wrists - Joint Mobility, preparation for loading, LPS stretching, Joint Prep, preparing for improper alignment and developing resiliency in all joint functions, re/prehab and proper rep/set schemes
2. Elbows - Joint Mobility, preparation for loading, LPS stretching, Joint Prep, preparing for improper alignment and developing resiliency in all joint functions, re/prehab and proper rep/set schemes
3. Shoulders - Joint Mobility, preparation for loading, LPS stretching, Joint Prep, preparing for improper alignment and developing resiliency in all joint functions, re/prehab and proper rep/set schemes

Received upon passing a 3 stage exam: Practical, Theoretical (written) and Technical (written)

Seminaari järjestetään näillä näkymin CompactFit Training Studiolla(Mäkelänkatu 62, Helsinki)

Hinta 500€

Tällä hetkellä otan alustavia, mutta sitovia ilmouttautumisia vastaan sähköpostitse. Tämän viikon aikana verkkosivuille tulee linkki, josta voi myös maksun hoitaa. Jos leiri ei toteudu( vähintään 10 henkilöä), rahat palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan.

Tätä tilaisuutta ei kannata missata! Itse en malta odottaa, että pääsee tämän kaverin oppilaaksi!!

Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautumiset: jukka@compactfit.com

ViestiLähetetty: Ke Helmi 01, 2012 2:51 pm 
Villalangan mitalla

Liittynyt: To Huhti 16, 2009 3:07 pm
Viestit: 654
Nyt voit tehdä virallisen ilmoittautumisen täällä: http://www.compactfit.com/cgi-bin/webio ... aitti=mbn2

ViestiLähetetty: To Kesä 07, 2012 8:39 am 
Painovoima paras voima

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 9:47 pm
Viestit: 95
Oliko kukaan täällä? Minkälainen setti oli?

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