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 Viestin otsikko: Snatch ja Jerk variaatiot
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 2:29 pm 

Liittynyt: Ke Joulu 19, 2007 5:13 pm
Viestit: 399
Tempauksen, työnnön ja pitkän kierron tekniikkajulisteet. Paljon erilaisia tyylejä…



Girya Sport -kisoista DVD-levyjä myynnissä v. 2002-2007.

GS-tuloksia 2002-2007

Parhaat GS-tulokset ranking venäjältä:

Viimeksi muokannut caestus päivämäärä Ke Tammi 23, 2008 9:17 am, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 2:52 pm 

Liittynyt: Ma Joulu 03, 2007 3:59 pm
Viestit: 442
Paikkakunta: Jokioinen
Kiitoksia taas kerran lostavasta linkistä. Nyt on taas luettavaa koko kevääksi.

Täytyypä koittaa tilata pari DVD:ta Pietariin ja katsoa miten homma pelittää. Tuo postin kautta ostaminen on Venäjällä ollut vähintäänkin epävarmaa, mutta jos taas kokeilis kepillä jäätä...

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 3:21 pm 

Liittynyt: Ke Joulu 19, 2007 5:13 pm
Viestit: 399
Kannattaa zekata:
Tikhonovin artikkelin sivu 3. räkkiasennon kuvat painon jakautumisesta kehoon.

artikkeli on kuudes ylhäältä päin:
Тихонов В.Ф."Профилактика травматизма в упражнении толчок гиревого спорта"

Tässä Babelus k.o. artikkelista:

Cheboksari, the Chuvash State University im. I.N. Ulyanov k.p.n., the docent of the department of physical training and sport Tikhonov Vladimir Fedorovich The problem of traumatism is sharp in all forms of sport, especially at the youthful and youth age. Specifically, young people, trying be achieved to as soon as possible high results, insufficiently efforts apply for study and improving the technology of motions, disregard the principles of a gradual increase in the loads, optimization of the relationship of volume and intensity of load. Some young athletes excessively employ pharmacological means both for the stimulation of muscular activity and for the rapid restoration of organism. This way actually can in short time lead to the significant results. However, supporting-motor apparatus does not always manage to be prepared for the increased requirements for achievement of high purposes in the short time. The problem of reduction in the traumatism in weightlifting in our view is also timely and immediate. Many people, but not only athletes, can recall the time, when, having randomly approached the weight and, after raising it, for long were experienced pains in the forearm, in the spin, in the elbows, to say nothing of back. At present in the press rarely are encountered scientific transactions, articles and studies on weightlifting. As notes A.I. Of vorotyntsev (2002), sport science thus far remains in the heavy indebtedness before thousands of worshippers of weightlifting. It is insufficient specialized literature, and what exists, it does not always correspond to reality. A.I. Of vorotyntsev (2002) expresses regret, that the health-improvement action of occupations by weightlifting on the organism of different age is not thus far studied; therefore any experiments, conducted on their health, are not always justified: some, being occupied by weights, become healthy and are convinced of the benefit of these occupations, others, because of the haste or the inability it is correct to undertake weights, injuries are obtained and they are convinced of the reverse. It is possible to give many examples, that indicate the ultimate loads, which experience the athlete- weightlifters. Thus, if athlete, who participates on the competitions weighs 64 kg and carries out exercise push with two weights at 32 kg, then bearing pressure in the initial position already composes 200%!!! However, the chief weightlifters of Russia even in the light weight categories to 60 kg and to 65 kg in 10 minutes of competing time carry out 100 and more than lifts two 32 kg of weights in the exercise push. How??? A study of this phenomenon and answer to this question would lead to the elimination of the reasons for the appearance of injuries in weightlifting and, especially, among the beginning weightlifters. Within the framework of this article, studying the ways of warning the possible traumatism in weightlifting, let us in detail examine only the one element of exercise technique push - static pose of the weightlifter before the sequential ejection of two weights upward. Correct initial position serves as one of the important prerequisites of the effective execution of the subsequent motions (L.P. Matveyev, as 1991). Starting position, using the expression A.A. Of ukhtomskogo, can be named the state of the "operational rest", in which, although there are no external motions, kontsentrirovanno is personified the purposeful readiness for the action. Let us examine the action of the force of gravity of weight and the net force of gravity of head and body in the version, characteristic for the beginning weightlifters (ris.y), also, in the athletes of high qualification (ris.2) in the initial position before the sequential ejection. Ris.y. Irrational I.P. Ris.2. Rational I.P. To ris.y the line of the projection of the force of gravity of weights passes downward through the hip joint and, further after the knee joint, to the support. Examining the action of the moment of the force of gravity of weights relative to joints we we see that with irrational I.P., in the hip joints the action of the moment of the force of gravity of weights it is equal to zero, since the arm of this force is equal to zero, and in the knee joints this moment of force bends the legs of athlete. The net force of gravity of body and head creates the tilting moment in the hip joint and the bending moment in the knee joint. For the restoration of balance the athlete is forced to constantly strain muscle- flexors of back and quadriceps muscles of thigh. Novices instinctively begin to bend back and to incline the head of vpered-vniz, assuming this pose, with which maximally converge the lines of the projection of the forces of gravity of weights and net force of gravity of body and head, decreasing the actions of the moments of these forces. Inability to weaken deltoid and trapeziform muscles does not make possible for them to establish elbows on the crests of iliac bones. Therefore in the beginning weightlifters the excessive flexure of back and feet in the elbows is observed. Excessive stresses in the spin and in the knee joints hence appear. However, what does occur with the rational initial position before the sequential ejection (Fig. 2)? In the ideal case, in the hip joint is satisfied the condition of equilibrium as on the simple swings. Since the line of the projection of the force of gravity of weights passes before the hip joint, then the moment of force is equal to the work of the force of gravity of weights on the arm of this force. This moment of force attempts to incline body to forward or drive away hands. The line of the projection of the net force of gravity of body and head, passing after the hip joint, creates such moment of force, which attempts to incline body back. In other words, the athletes of high qualification bend and incline body back not because the force of gravity of weights acts on it, and so that the arm of the action of the net force of gravity of body and head would become such, when the equilibrium of the action of the force pair sets in. Equilibrium in the knee joints is also reached by the equilibrium of the force pair: 1 - force of gravity of weights, whose projection passes before the knee joints, it is directed to the side of straightening and 2 - net force of gravity of body and head, whose projection passes after the knee joints and it is directed to the side of the flexure of feet in these joints. With the equality of the moments of this couple of forces is reduced the tension of the quadriceps muscles of thigh, and in the case, when the unbending moment of the force of gravity of weights exceeds the moment of the force of the flexure of feet in the knee joint, occurs their complete weakening. Our studies of the characteristics of engine actions are more than 300 weightlifters of different qualification, carry ouied for a period of several years, beginning from 2002, with the use of video recordings of all participants in the goblets of Russia, the championships of Russia and peace and other competitions, conducted on the regional level, they made it possible to find some criteria of effectiveness the of exercises technique of weightlifting and factors of an increase in the efficiency of the engine actions of weightlifters. Without having a possibility to describe everything of them within the framework of our article, let us give those, which concern the initial position before the sequential ejection. The arrangement of the arcs of weights on the pillows of large it is finger, the installation of elbows on the crests of iliac bones with the rectified legs and maximally slack muscles of hands, the excessive action of the forces of gravity and moments of these forces in the joints is decreased, and they also increase the efficiency of engine actions. As a rule, the athletes, who do not pay adequate consideration to the development of flexibility and necessary mobility in the joints, are not achieved the salient results. Majorities of them remain at the level KMS. The excessive tension of the quadriceps muscles of thigh and flexors of body, the complexity of respiration with the irrational pose of the initial position before the sequential ejection limit the possibilities of athlete. To this there is theoretical substantiation. To sport science it is known that the maximum of physical effect is ensured only with the condition of the optimum levels of the tension of muscles (i.e. when not one of the muscles it gives its maximum). This explains by the fact that the levels of their activity are interconnected and with each other. Therefore an excessive increase in activity level of any muscle leads to drop in the activity of others and reduction in the general effect of engine actions (I.P. Of ratov, 1983). The investigations conducted by us make it possible to make the following conclusions: 1. solution of the problem of warning traumatism in weightlifting consists in the improvement of technology and procedure of training weightlifters; 2. preventive maintenance of different overvoltages of spine, injuries of knee joints, tensions of tendons and muscles in all preparation stages is carried out via the rational compensation of the actions of the forces of gravity and optimum alternation of the processes of stress and weakening of the muscular groups, which participate in the engine actions with the fulfillment of the exercises of weightlifting.

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 5:06 pm 

Liittynyt: Ke Joulu 19, 2007 5:13 pm
Viestit: 399

Erinomaisia venäjänkielisiä GS artikkeleita, uusimmat 2007.

Tässä otsikkojen Lontoon versiot...

Articles about the sport

1. Apanasenko I. B. the "influence of an error in the weight of weights on the results in weightlifting"
2. Apanasenko I. B. the "prognostication of results in weightlifting"
3. Baranov Of v.V."Uprazhneniya with the weights in the physical training of students"
4. Baranov Of v.V."Uprazhneniya of weightlifting as one of the means of the elimination of excess weight"
5. Baranov Of v.V."Girevoy sport in the program of VUZ - Institute of Higher Education"
6. Tikhonov Of v.F."Profilaktika of traumatism in the exercise the push of weightlifting"
7. Tikhonov V.F."Nekotorye development stages of weightlifting"
8. Tikhonov V.F., Mishin Of s.N."Osobennosti of respiration in the exercise of weightlifting the push of two weights from the breast"
9. Leonov D.V."Aprobatsiya of D.Leonova equalizing koeffitsenta for the athletes of different weight categories"
10. Sukhovey A.V."Planirovaniye of training process for the beginning weightlifters"
11. Sukhovey The a.V."Novye forms of conducting competitions in the jerk of weight"
12. Rudnev."Plan of training the athlete- weightlifter of the level of the master of sport in the exercise push on the long cycle"
13. Rudnev S.L." Variability of the programs of preparation for the appearance in classical dvoyebor'e "
14. Cherednichenko M.V. "WEIGHTS - RUSSIAN WAY" (history, contemporary problems, the prospect for development)
15. Frolov A.F., Litvinov V.A. "weightlifting and health"
16. Gomonov V. N. the "variability the of push technique of weights depending on mobility in the joints and topography of the muscular force of the athlete of weightlifter"
17. Khayrullin R. A. the "jerk of weight alternately"
18. Khayrullin R. A., Akhmetov I. I. the "prospects for genetic selection into weightlifting"
19. Rachinskiy S.A. "commercial projects in weightlifting"
20. Ponomarev I.E."Razvitiye of power qualities with the aid of the introduction in the training process of weightlifting"
21. Ponarskaya YE.M. "sport without the doping"
22. Romashin of Yu. A. the "conceptual bases of training process in weightlifting"
23. Lopatin YE.V., Rudnev S.L. the "development of force and power endurance in weightlifting"
24. Voropayev V.I. THE "I GOBLET OF THE USSR" (from the history of weightlifting)
25. Kinogramma:"Tekhnika of exercise jerk"
26. Kinogramma:"Tekhnika of exercise push on the long cycle"

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 6:03 pm 

Liittynyt: Ti Joulu 04, 2007 1:34 pm
Viestit: 3348
Paikkakunta: Lappeenranta
Caestus Tanan tana... :twisted:

Mullehan löyty nyt melkoinen työsarka, jonka avulla mä voin mielenkiinnolla treenata sekä mun kyriilisten kirjainten ja venäjän kielen kääntöä teksteillä, jotka kiinnostaa mua itseäni :D :D

Jopa venäjää taitamattomat pystyvät saamaan jotain irti muutamista graaffeista ja piirroksista. Siis vielä lohdutukseksi muille, että mun venäjän taidot on lähinnä heikot puhekielen taidot, että sarkaa riittää.

Koska sivistys on pinnallista...

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Ma Tammi 21, 2008 7:23 pm 
Mobilisaation Mestari ja IMALS

Liittynyt: Ti Joulu 04, 2007 4:16 pm
Viestit: 4445
Caestus sä oot Suomen GS:n tutkija professori!!

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