Tärkeä tiedote IUKL-liiton EM-kilpailuista

IUKL on julkaissut seuraavan tiedotteen koskien toukokuussa pidettäviä EM-kilpailuja.
Kilpailuajankohta pysyy edelleen samana, mutta IUKL selvittää mahdollista kilpailupaikan vaihtamista covid-19-viruksesta johtuvista syistä.

Asiantuntijaryhmä tiedottaa asiasta lisää heti kun lisätietoa on saatavilla.

IUKL tiedottaa asiasta omilla nettisivuillaan sekä Facebook-sivuillaan.

”Attention! Transfer of the European Championship!!! 

You are aware that the Coronavirus Covid-19 is spreading worldwide and that many countries are taking unprecedented measures to curb novel coronavirus.

In this situation, we are obliged to take into account all possible potential risks and manage them in a timely manner to ensure the safety of our members and athletes, as well as all those involved in the process of working, preparing and conducting competitions.

Today, our French partners, the FFFORS, showing a high degree of responsibility, informed IUKL about the impossibility of holding the European Championship in Paris in this situation (see the official letter in the attachment).

Promptly responding to this message, the IUKL Board officially announces about the transfer of the competition from Paris.

First of all, we do this in order to timely stop the purchase of tickets and reservation of hotels by athletes and delegations in Paris.

Now we are considering several alternative proposals for moving competitions to safer regions.

We hope that we will be able to announce a new venue for the European Championship by the end of this week.

At the same time, we hasten to assure that for the convenience of athletes, so as not to violate the schedule of preparation for the competition, the dates will not change and remain the same: May 20 – 25, 2020.

We understand that any trip and participation in competitions in these circumstances requires great courage, but also remains a desired and long-awaited goal for many athletes, so we will try to provide this opportunity to everyone.

We will be glad to see you at our competitions, as well as provide any feasible assistance to ensure your participation.

Vasily Ginko
Secretary General of IUKL”